
These days.

I'm used to be who doesn't like me. 
I don't understand. I don't know.
Mama said : 'Why are you so lazy nowadays, always like to skip school. You are not like this last time!' 
I feel ashamed. I feel guilty. wo dui bu qi my parents.
Yes, I agreed that I'm the way too too too too too lazy, lazier than the past years.
This year, the important year and yet I'm getting lazier lazier and lazier.
I'm just not who I should be.
I hate myself.
Can believe anot? I haven't started revise and even open the books. I'm not lying!!!
It's truth!!!
Sometimes, I'm thinking what if I choose art stream?? Will it still the same?? Will I get to relax?? Not like now!! @#$%@#$%@#$%@#$%@#$%
I should listen to my mama and jiejie's advises!!!! I should!!!
These days, my mind keeps replay what if ...... what if.... what if.......
Wo shou gou le!!!!!
I wanna get out from this living hell!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna.........
I wanna.........
I want the freeeeeeeee ..........
That's all I want.......